Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

    People nowadays are getting obsessed with movies or books, but only a few want to read it deeply and one of the most best-seller is a series of Harry Potter by JK. Rowling. Everyone knows this classic fantasy story especially for young generation. To be honest, I don't really fit in to all of the books but I'm quite mesmerizing for some of them. In this book Rowling still using same technique compared to previously, the plot device, the way she describe characters toward each other: the clash Malfoy - the horrible Profesor Snape - the goofiest Ron. I remember when I watched Prisoner of Azkaban, it is confusing yet I haven't read the book at that time so I would give 7/10 for the movie. 

    As a teenager who read the entire story of Harry Potter, I could get over my joy reading kind of magical world and seeing the perspective of a young wizard who gets suffer against his enemy, Voldemort. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third book also Harry's third year at Hogwarts. Nothing's much change but there are several scene that seems a real threat to Harry, I mean he could actually die if he didn't use his courage and repel to all of his enemy with his power. This third year has a lot of danger. Firstly, the coming of Sirius Black from Azkaban made almost all Hogwart's people afraid so Dumbledore decides quickly to use Dementors as the guards. 

    Despite of many terror and threatening, Harry could still handle it very well of course with the help from his best friend, Hermione and Ron. Before the school starts, Harry spent his dreadful summer in his house with Aunt Merge. Trust me, she is such a horrible person because she likes to insult Harry as much as she can and by the time she tried to do it by insulting Harry's parent, he got really mad then he used his power which means he broke the rules since he can only use his power while studying at Hogwarts. Then he settled to run out from the house. On the way to Hogwarts, Ron met with Hermione and Harry at station, they decided to sit away from Malfoy and his friends.
